CNY Rotary

Get Involved


CNY Rotary is comprised of over 100 Rotary Clubs in communities across the heart of New York State. This new district will begin on July 1, 2024 with a brand new leadership team comprised of members from across the region.

CNY Rotary unites, educates and inspires people in our communities to take action and create lasting change.

In short, we provide support and resources to local Rotary Clubs and their members to enable them to successfully grow membership and execute impactful community service projects. Our leadership team is comprised of dozens of volunteers who give extra time to serve their fellow members in putting on events, providing training, running regional programs, implementing grants, and lending their expertise.


Join us for zoom sessions where we will provide brief updates on CNY Rotary progress and focus on answering your questions about what is to come.
Click here to get the zoom link.

The first Tuesday of each month at 7PM:
March 5, April 2, May 7 & June 4

Use the form on the FAQ’s page to pre-submit questions we will answer anonymously at Town Hall.

Connect with us!

Follow @CNYRotary on Facebook and Instagram

screenshot of map featuring colorful pins that mark each club in CNY Rotary, with a blue background and text that reads: 22 areas and the CNY Rotary logo

CNY Rotary Areas

An area is a grouping of clubs overseen by an Area Representative, formerly known as an Assistant Governor. As we embark on our new region, the breakout of clubs into areas is going to remain the same as they are now, just with new numbers from 1 through 22.

We have changed the name “Assistant Governor” to “Area Rep,” because as we move forward, clubs will nominate and select their representative. Area Reps serve as the first point of contact for clubs when they need support or resources, helping bring in expertise from CNY Rotary or identifying other important connections that could be helpful.

Click here for an interactive map of our areas to find your club’s new number and get to know some of our other clubs in CNY!


We’ve been working on and talking about CNY Rotary for almost two years now, but the time to become official is drawing near. On July 1, we will be CNY Rotary and our three current districts will be retired. What does that mean for the average member? By and large, this change will not impact your day-to-day Rotary experience. Clubs will continue to meet and serve as they always have, but there will be a few changes that you need to know. Please read on for some information to help you and guide you on where to go with questions.

Communications & News

If you want to find information about our district online, you will want to visit This has been our website for more than a year and will serve as our online hub moving forward. Your current district websites will automatically redirect you there starting in July, just in case you forget. Around mid-July that we will have finalized the merging of our three current accounts into our new CNY Rotary ClubRunner, which will give the website a new look and be your new portal for logging into ClubRunner. Watch for emails and social communications once that is complete.

The June edition of this newsletter will be the final edition in this format. Starting in July, we will transition from one monthly publication to a section of the website that is constantly refreshed with new articles all the time, called the CNY Rotary News Network. This will make it possible for clubs, Rotary programs and CNY Rotary committees to submit articles and event information at any time. We will post your submissions to the Rotary News Network and share it across our social channels. Members will receive a monthly email with a roundup of headlines currently on the Rotary News Network and a reminder to engage with that content on our website. We encourage all to follow us on social media to stay connected to important information, inspiration and educational materials as well. Check back next month for details on how you will be able to submit your news to us.

Area Representatives

Moving forward, Assistant Governors will now be called Area Representatives (or Area Reps, for short). Your areas, or a small group of clubs geographically grouped together, are not likely to be changing right away, but could be modified slightly in the future. Most Area Reps will remain the same, except for some whose terms were scheduled to end this June. Your club leaders will be notified about your new Area Rep. They will be in touch to conduct their usual visits and check-ins. The role of the Area Rep is essentially the same as it was previously and they are someone you can count on when you need help or resources. Never hesitate to reach out to them when you have questions or concerns!

Inauguration Celebration

At our recent Tri-District Conference at the DoubleTree in Binghamton, the first ever CNY Rotary Inauguration was held with quite a bit of fanfare thanks to a lively crowd. Incoming President Lizzy spoke about the process of creating our new leadership team, everyone got to meet the executive board and leadership council members, the President line was pinned and made official, and she provided a look at what’s to come, featuring three important points:

1 – Official club visits as you may have done with District Governors before will now be an Official Area Visit, where you will get together with the other clubs in your area for a social gathering to meet with President Lizzy. If you have ideas on something fun in your area, a venue that could accommodate your event or any thoughts on what might make for a great, new tradition for you and your neighboring clubs, reach out to your Area Rep right away. They will work with Lizzy and the Events Committee to set these up for late summer and fall, and it is best to get something on the calendar sooner rather than later! It is encouraged that this event would replace your club’s meeting for that week where it makes sense. She also offered to meet with club boards on zoom if your leadership team would like one-on-one time with her. You can reach out to schedule that at any time.

2 – Watch for a video to be released that will be the “official visit” presentation with information from Rotary International’s incoming President Stephanie Urchick, more about our theme The Magic of Rotary, and more about Rotary’s Action Plan. Clubs will be encouraged to use this video as a program early in the Rotary year and to share with members who can also watch on their own time.

3 – If your club has a special event – a milestone charter, a large service project, a treasured tradition – please send the invitation to that ASAP to get on President Lizzy’s calendar. Other members of the executive board will also attend your special events whenever possible.

Conference 2025

The dates and location for next year’s conference were revealed. Please save April 4-6, 2025 to join us at the Hilton Downtown in Albany, NY. Many details are still to be determined, but the weekend will definitely include our annual Learning Assembly on Friday morning. The hope is that combining the two events will make them more accessible as we will not ask members to give up two weekends in April. If you wish to join the planning committee for Conference 2025, reach out to chair Sam Netzband at

Connect with us!
If you have questions or concerns, you can reach out to us anytime at or click here to use our contact form. We will also continue our monthly Town Halls on zoom for as long as they are needed. They are open to all who want come learn about the latest news and ask anything. Consider making sure someone from each club attends and can take the information back to your members! Click here to register for the Town Hall zoom link for June. You can pre-submit anonymous questions here. You are also welcome to reach out to any of our executive board members at any time. Click here for our current org chart with email information for each leader.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram too!

Graphic of people working together with text inviting user to click for more information on how to get involved in CNY Rotary
CNY Rotary Organizational Chart


As committee chairs are connecting with committee members and finding the right role for each volunteer, we are working on filling in our org chart. In the meantime, this is the basic framework we are building upon and we want to share this with you.

Click here to download a PDF of the org chart.

NEW: Click here for our more complete org chart.

Get ready for another call for volunteers in early 2024 with some really specific job openings to be filled. We hope members will step up to serve their fellow clubs in meaningful ways that are rewarding for each individual!