We are partnering with Salesium to create a searchable database of Rotary-owned businesses or professional services from fellow members. Salesium is a community-based small business marketplace, connecting sellers and shoppers in the networks they share. While this site is open to anyone to join, we've set up a custom group for CNY Rotary, so when you search for services on their site, you can find fellow Rotarians for whatever you need - insurance, a realtor, marketing, an attorney, or just to know what Rotary-owned businesses are in your area. 


If you have a service to offer or own a business, you will want to create an account as a "Pro."
If you just plan to use the site to find services you need (perhaps you are retired!), create an account as a "Customer."
Click the blue button to access our custom registration page!


This webinar will walk you through the process of setting up a business profile (Pro account) in Salesium, including entering page basics, connecting to the CNY Rotary group, and how to interact with fellow business pages.
If you plan on using Salesium solely as a Customer, please wait for a webinar that will be just for you in the near future!
Click on the date below for the webinar you want to attend to get the zoom link
Both webinars will be the same content, so choose whichever day is best for you!
The biggest benefit of shopping directly on our Rotary page is you know you are not only selecting from people
that have a great product to offer, but you know they are also committed to making our communities stronger.


Once you set up your account, you will come to a page where you can edit your internal settings. These are not visible on your page. Click "save" in each segment on the page as you add information.
To access your business profile for editing, choose the storefront icon in the upper right of the page:
Click on the little pencil icons in each section to edit the information in that section - your profile photo, hours of business, business address, etc.
Once you have it all completed, click to write your first post, which will appear in the center of your profile. This is where you can share about your services and skills, any specials or seasonal messages. Post anytime and they will fill up that section of your page.
Do a search for "CNY Rotary" to find other member profiles and ask to connect with them to start building out your network.


Setting up your account as a customer is easy with the button above. Once in, you can search for the services you seek or search "CNY Rotary" to see who all has a business profile on the site.
This website is open to the public, and includes businesses and people from all over, so include the term "Rotary" in any searches you do in order to show results that focus on our members.
Enjoy doing business with more fellow Rotarians!


For help with your profile or using the site, contact Rich or Greg.
Rich Welty -
Greg Gershman -