We have a brand new committee to celebrate and fill – the Service Committee! As a service organization, it’s important we have support and resources for our clubs and members to be successful with service projects that are meaningful to their communities and their members. Read on for an outline of the committee’s anticipated work and the positions that are available for volunteers.

We hope you will find a rewarding way to help your fellow members and plan to join this leadership team. Please use the form at the bottom of this page to let us know you want to help!

Committee’s Scope of Work

Provide resources for clubs to inspire new service, help improve upon existing projects, and encourage more service activities in CNY Rotary, including hands-on consultation from experienced committee members.

Ensure there is consistent and quality communication to clubs/members about the resources available to them from this new leadership team, including but not limited to submitting articles to the CNY Rotary News Network, maintaining a page on the district website, providing social media content related to service, and participating in regional training events.

Offer hands-on support for ideation, planning, and logistics, particularly to smaller clubs with fewer human resources or to help overcome skill gaps in executing service events.

Identify existing resources for reporting measurable service-related activities and evaluate usability. Develop initiatives that will motivate clubs to self-report their service hours and projects.

Coordinate and communicate with CNY Rotary leadership to keep service at the forefront of what we do, to attract more service-minded members.

Advocate for service to be a focus as it is vital to a positive club experience, which supports membership, which in turn supports giving of time and money.

Plan and coordinate CNY Rotary district-wide days of service and regional service events.

Set goals to evaluate the effectiveness of the committee and growth in service from our region.

Oversee and collaborate with regional programs (ESRAG, Gift of Life, etc.).


Also falling under this committee are:

Environment Service Committee
Books for the World
Gift of Life
Veterans Services
Mental Health Services
Habitat for Humanity


Committee Roles/Teams & Descriptions:


Term: 3 years
Succession: Vice-chair that serves one year before assuming chair position (chair position subject to executive board approval)
-Accountability enforcer – ensure all team members follow through on club support
-Prepare regular reporting for the CNY Rotary board and clubs
-Hold a monthly meeting with the Service committee
-Develop and work as a team to implement an overall service strategy
-Be in communication with the additional service groups and partner programs in our region
-Offer a Peer-To-Peer bottom-up team empowerment approach where the member is the customer
-At least four years of Rotary experience preferred
-RLI graduate preferred
-Complete the following courses in the Rotary Learning Center:
Conducting a Community Assessment
Measuring and Reporting Our Impact
Our Logo: Representing Rotary
Rotary Action Group Basics
Increase Your Impact
Club Service Projects Committee Basics
Areas of Focus


Term: 3 years
Succession: Vice-chair that serves one year before assuming a training position
-Lead efforts to provide Service training for both club leaders and fellow committee members
-Collaborates with the CNY Rotary Training Committee and attends meetings as needed
-Works with the Chair to identify relevant topics for annual training events
-Identifies and secures qualified presenters for training events
-Develops training materials/presentations as needed
-Helps coordinate annual training/meeting in the fall (Oct)
-Posts updated training materials to the district website
-Host webinars for clubs and members with training opportunities
-Experience with adult learning or Rotary training preferred
-Complete the following courses in the Rotary Learning Center:
Conducting a Community Assessment
Measuring and Reporting Our Impact
Our Logo: Representing Rotary
Rotary Action Group Basics
Increase Your Impact
Club Service Projects Committee Basics
Areas of Focus

Service Knowledge Bank Team

Seeking 2-3 people
Succession: Team leader rotates through team members each year
-Team leader attends committee meetings or delegates team members as a proxy
-Establish and manage a database of service projects including verifying and updating information over time
-Solicit information from clubs to fill in the database
-Keep the district website updated with service database details
-Connect with Public Image to promote this resource (can be in collaboration with the Service Communications team)
-Submit a monthly service project from the region to be featured in the district newsletter and on social media
-Create and distribute awards
-Able to learn and use database software (whatever is chosen)
-Complete the following courses in the Rotary Learning Center:
Measuring and Reporting Our Impact
Our Logo: Representing Rotary
Club Service Projects Committee Basics
Areas of Focus

Service Communications Team

Seeking 1-2 people
Succession: Vice-chair that serves one year before assuming coordinator position
-Works with the committee to get service information into a newsletter, on social media, and website
-Work with Chair to create a yearly communications plan, aligning with the overall service strategy
-Helps other sub-committees with writing articles and/or creating graphics
-High Rotary Brand IQ
-Complete the following courses in the Rotary Learning Center:
District Public Image Committee Intermediate
Our Logo: Representing Rotary
Club Service Projects Committee Basics

District Service Coordinator

Seeking 2-3 people
Succession: Vice-chair that serves one year before assuming coordinator position
-Day of Service point person
-Recruit members/clubs to participate in district-wide initiatives
-Work with the Chair to identify district-wide service opportunities
-Regularly evaluate the impact of district-wide initiatives and suggest improvements
-Coordinate with regional service programs to host large events
-Identify regional needs (responding to local disaster relief for example)
-Work with Public Image team to promote regional service opportunities
-District point of contact for any potential CNY Rotary-wide or international service projects
-Complete the following courses in the Rotary Learning Center:
Our Logo: Representing Rotary
Club Service Projects Committee Basics

Community Assessment Advisor

Term: 3 years
Succession: Vice-chair that serves one year before assuming advisor position
-Provide one-on-one support to clubs/members in need of doing a community assessment
-create and maintain a repository of best practices and lessons learned from various community assessments
-Promote the importance of an assessment when establishing new service projects
-Work with the training committee as needed
-actively collaborate with the Service Knowledge Bank Team
-Continuously find resources within our membership to help find more advisors.
-Provide lesson-learned documents at the end of each program year to assist clubs as they enter the new year
-Work with the chair to conduct regular surveys of members
-Complete Conducting a Community Assessment, Measuring and Reporting Our Impact, and Club Service Projects Committee Basics in the Rotary Learning Center

Logistical Support

Term: 3 years
Succession: Vice-chair that serves one year before assuming a support position
-Provide technical and logistical support to clubs and members
-Identify resources for clubs and members to make the logistics of service projects easier
-Work with training as needed
-Contribute to newsletter content with helpful tips and guidance
-Establish best practices for events/service
-Facilitate connections between clubs doing similar projects or wanting to copy an existing project
-Coordinate with Knowledge Bank in identifying needs for a project and sharing about projects to be added to the database
-Experience in project management preferred
-Complete the following courses in the Rotary Learning Center: Club Service Projects Committee Basics

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