More than 60 CNY Rotarians and friends of Rotary gathered at the DoubleTree Binghamton on November 17 to celebrate an achievement many thought not possible.
Sunday, November 17, 2024, CNY Rotary will hold our first ever Legacy Brunch. Our goal is to raise one million dollars for the Rotary Foundation’s Endowment Fund. Some of you might remember it as the Permanent Fund, if you have been in Rotary as long as I have. The CNY Foundation Committee needs to find 100 people who will pledge or bequest $10,000, meaning that you will leave that money to Rotary in your will or estate.
We have received many members asking how we could help with aid for those impacted by Hurricane Helene.
As many Rotarians know, District Grants and Global Grants are funded through a process known as District Designated Funds (DDF). This funding comes from the contributions to the Annual Fund that our members made three years ago, when we were Districts 7150, 7170 and 7190.
Let’s be honest, when it comes to Rotary Foundation giving, very few of us select The Endowment Fund.
In honor of the International Day of Peace, get involved in our peace efforts locally.