This is where we will post a round-up of all official CNY Rotary President area visits as they are planned. This event will be your time to meet with the president, get to know the clubs in your area better, and enjoy fellowship.

If you don’t see an event listed for your area and you have an idea for one, reach out to your area rep – listed below. Parameters for an area visit are:
-must be accessible to all clubs in the area and a large enough venue based on the number of members in your area’s clubs
-cannot cost more than $20/person to attend
-should provide an opportunity for a brief introduction/announcements and then be social and casual

Ideas for area visits: site seeing outing (zoo, museum, local landmark), picnic, game night (darts, cornhole, board games, trivia night), service project that all can participate in, or any other fun, group activity your clubs would enjoy.
Please no boats or moving venues, per President Lizzy

Whenever possible, clubs should consider cancelling their regular meeting the week of the area visit to avoid asking too much of members both in time and money.