Let's celebrate together, across CNY!
Join the Rotary Birthday Extravaganza by registering to attend whichever gathering is most conveniently located for you, choosing from eight identical parties across CNY.
It's FREE to attend, but registration is required so we can have enough cupcakes for everyone. In addition to the sweet treat and fellowship, there will be a special toast to Rotary's 120th birthday at 3pm, with the same tribute given across all party locations.
Guests, family and friends are welcome. Definitely bring a prospective member! All should be registered here and you can register more than one person at a time by increasing the number of tickets.
Please register by February 17th
When you register, select to add a ticket for whichever one of these locations you want to attend:
Location: Empire State Aerosciences Museum - 250 Rudy Chase Dr, Glenville
Contact: Larry Jones
Saratoga Springs
Location: Harvey’s Restaurant and Bar - 14 Phila St, Saratoga Springs
Contact: Jim Frey
At all parties, there will beverages for purchase and most locations include some options for ordering food off the menu if you want to treat yourself to a late lunch or early dinner. Only cupcakes will be included with your registration.
Wish there was a party closer to you? Willing to be the host? Contact us at centralnyrotary@gmail.com to be included for our next extravaganza-style event!