On a beautiful fall morning three Rotarians, with two Youth Exchange student in tow, showed up at Morris Ave in Ithaca to spend the morning sanding, mudding, and priming sheetrock.
This work was in support of Rotary’s partnership with Habitat for Humanity International. The equipment, training, and oversight were supplied by Tompkins Cortland County Habitat which is currently working on three houses in the Ithaca area with more in the queue! The invitation to participate in this workday went to all Rotarians in the seven Tompkins and Cortland Rotary clubs.
These “Rotary Builds with Habitat” workdays started in 2019 coordinated by PDG Evan Kurtz who is active with both groups. This was the 6th build (thanks Covid…) and they plan to do two a year. Rotarians frequently ask for ‘hands on’ projects and it doesn’t get more hands on than this!
Pictured from left are Mike Katz, Ithaca; AR Tony Salerno, Dryden; PDG Evan Kurtz, Dryden; Darsh from India; and Stanley from Taiwan.
Contacts for the Habitat for Humanity affiliates throughout the 22 counties of CNY Rotary (Apr 2023)
HFH Montgomery, gabriel@infinmed.com
HFH of Otsego County, jbblechman@gmail.com
Oswego County HFH, director@oswegohabitat.org
Syracuse HFH, sarah@syracusehabitat.org
Cayuga County HFH, mary.pidgeon@cayugahabitat.org
Broome County HFH, ljudge@broomehabitat.org
HFH of Schenectady County, kfernandez@schenectadyhabitat.org
Herkimer County Habitat for Humanity, patny59@gmail.com
HFH of Tompkins and Cortland Counties, shannon@tchabitat.com
Chenango County HFH, mykatydid50@gmail.com
Capital District HFH, christine@habitatcd.org
Newburgh, HFH of Greater, jillmarie@habitatnewburgh.org
HFH Montgomery, gabriel@infinmed.com
HFH of Otsego County, jbblechman@gmail.com
Oswego County HFH, director@oswegohabitat.org
Syracuse HFH, sarah@syracusehabitat.org
Cayuga County HFH, mary.pidgeon@cayugahabitat.org
Broome County HFH, ljudge@broomehabitat.org
HFH of Schenectady County, kfernandez@schenectadyhabitat.org
Herkimer County Habitat for Humanity, patny59@gmail.com
HFH of Tompkins and Cortland Counties, shannon@tchabitat.com
Chenango County HFH, mykatydid50@gmail.com
Capital District HFH, christine@habitatcd.org
Newburgh, HFH of Greater, jillmarie@habitatnewburgh.org