At a recent meeting of CNY Rotary’s Global Grant Committee, it was agreed that they would join The Rotary Club of Thavaravadi and the Innovation Hong Kong club in purchasing medical equipment for Orthopedic Surgery for the hospital in Kumpanangsaen, Nakhonpathom, Thailand.
Until now these instruments had to be borrowed from other hospitals. Patients often had to travel great distances to obtain adequate care, due to the lack of these instruments. Now with the help of Rotary’s Global Grant approximately 900,000 people will benefit from this project.
This project was brought to the committee’s attention by Tom Overbaugh of the Trumansburg club. He had corresponded with an exchange student from Thailand who had spent a year with his club and consequently had become quite active in Rotary. This type of networking is successful in bringing a better quality of life within the world through Rotary.
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