In honor of the International Day of Peace, get involved in our peace efforts locally.

Call For International Service Volunteers

Rotary International’s Five Avenues of Service are: club, vocational, community, international and new generations.  

The CNY Rotary Peace Committee will enable Rotarians in our newly formed district to expand the scope of our efforts in international service, which is defined as promoting understanding and peace, sponsoring projects in other countries, and working with our international partners to support projects in their communities.

We now have an excellent opportunity to grow CNY Rotary's commitment to international service. I would appreciate you reaching out to me if you are interested in serving in these new Rotary Peace Committee roles:

Promote the Positive Peace Academy
Joining our Rotary Peace Committee with a focus on Rotary’s Positive Peace Academy training and to encourage others in our clubs to do the same. 

Share about Peace Poles
Initiate club-base Peace Pole Projects as part of International Service.

Developing a Friendship Exchange Program
Initiate a set of Rotary-based national and international travel and hosting exchanges through the Friendship Exchange Program. It's like Youth Exchange, but for us adults!

Please contact Raul Huerta if you have any question regarding the above or if you want to step up to get involved in supporting peace today!