Fellow Rotarians, my name is Sam Netzband and I am your District Conference Chair. I am reaching out to you via the news network with an ask for your assistance with securing sponsors for our 2025 Conference which is happening April 4 – 6 at the Hilton Downtown Albany.
We would not be able to have our conference without the help of our generous sponsors. There are many ways you can help us procure sponsors.
Perhaps your company, a local company you do business with, or your Rotarian-owned business would be interested in a business sponsorship. The sponsorship comes with generous recognition to get the company’s name out to our conference attendees.
We are also accepting sponsorships from generous individuals and clubs. You can donate anonymously or receive all the recognition a business would. One expense that we need assistance with is the cost of our Youth Exchange students attending the conference. Youth Exchange Students add so much to our conferences, and we would like to have every inbound and outbound student to attend again in 2025.
Our District Conference is a great way for us to come together, share ideas, and collaborate on projects. I thank you for your consideration of supporting our search for 2025 Conference Sponsors.
Click here to view all of our sponsorship details.
Reach out to use at centralNYrotary@gmail.com to start the sponsorship conversation!