At the 1917 convention, outgoing Rotary president Arch Klumph proposed setting up an endowment “for the purpose of doing good in the world.” That one idea, and an initial contribution of $26.50, set in motion a powerful force that has transformed millions of lives around the globe.
The Rotary Foundation's mission is to help members advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving people's health, providing quality education, protecting the environment, and alleviating poverty.
What about us, the members of CNY Rotary? Why not begin our time as CNY Rotary with a vote of solidarity with a gift of $26.50 per member to Our Rotary Foundation? Granted, it’s not much and those of us that would like to give more are free to do so, but I want this “Historical Donation” to be something we all members are able to achieve.
By giving to The Rotary Foundation, we enable Rotarians (ourselves included) around the world to tackle ongoing problems and emerging issues. Our donations help provide clean water, treat diseases, grow local economies, protect the environment, and much more.
What about us, the members of CNY Rotary? Why not begin our time as CNY Rotary with a vote of solidarity with a gift of $26.50 per member to Our Rotary Foundation? Granted, it’s not much and those of us that would like to give more are free to do so, but I want this “Historical Donation” to be something we all members are able to achieve.
By giving to The Rotary Foundation, we enable Rotarians (ourselves included) around the world to tackle ongoing problems and emerging issues. Our donations help provide clean water, treat diseases, grow local economies, protect the environment, and much more.
To learn more, visit https://www.rotary.org/en/get-involved/ways-to-give.